Einsenhorn- Godwyn Fischig character design (FAN ART)

 Godwyn Fischig in civilian clothes

Godwyn Fischig in civilian clothes

Here is a concept design for one of the main characters from the Eisenhorn novel series, the adeptus arbites Godwyn Fischig.
I am a huge fan of these books, probably my favorites from all the warhammer 40k universe books ever written. Most probably because how much they expanded the vision of that universe beyond what has being shown from the scope of the game. They made it so much believable and relatable.
Since the announcement that a TV series was being planned based on these books I have being so excited that I could not avoid to start doing my own fan art. I would kill to work on that series! :P
I decided to portrait him in a civilian outfit because I thought it was a little more interesting, and with the scope of the tv series in mind, a most probable outfit for him to ware for the most part instead of the combat arbites armour.
I hope you like it!